What Is the Three-Second Rule When Driving?

As an experienced motorist, you’ve likely heard a time or two before to maintain at least a car length distance between you and the car ahead of you for every 10 MPH you’re driving. Someone may have shared why to do that, which was to ensure you had ample time...

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Car Seat Guidelines in New Mexico

When it comes to transporting our precious little ones, safety is paramount. In the vast expanse of regulations and recommendations, it’s crucial to understand the specific guidelines that apply to your area. In New Mexico, like many other states, there are regulations in place to protect children while traveling in...

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do backseat passengers have to wear seat belts

Do Backseat Passengers Have To Wear Seat Belts?

Seat belts are a crucial safety feature in vehicles, designed to protect occupants in the event of a collision or sudden stop. While most people are aware of the legal requirement for front-seat passengers to wear these restraints. there is often confusion surrounding the rules for backseat passengers. In this...

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