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Santa Fe Personal Injury Attorney

Santa Fe Personal Injury Lawyer

Each year, a significant number of individuals who live or visit our beautiful city get hurt. And when they do, they end up reaching out to a Santa Fe personal injury lawyer after that incident for help.

We want to help you if someone else’s negligence caused you harm as well. Call or email us to schedule a consultation to discuss what happened to you and what your rights are as it relates to pursuing legal compensation for your losses.

What Types of Injury Cases Do We Take On?

Our attorneys represent individuals who’ve suffered injuries due to the negligent actions of others.

Those incidents that most commonly cause them harm include:

We also handle other types of incidents that don’t fit into the categories above, so if you’ve suffered harm due to someone else’s actions, be sure to reach out to see if we can help.

Damages You May Qualify to Receive by Filing a Personal Injury Claim

The more catastrophic injuries you suffer, the more significant your losses are likely to be. So, while it would be ideal if your injury incident never happened and you never incurred any costs, if you have any of the following, filing a claim may allow you to recover compensation:

  • Ambulance transport
  • Emergency room care
  • Any surgery you require
  • In-home nursing care
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages and benefits

While it may come as some relief to know that New Mexico law allows you to recover compensation for your accident-related damages, you may wonder who covers your legal fees.

How Much to Expect to Pay an Attorney to Handle Your Case

Personal injury lawyers are different from other legal representatives in that they typically take on cases on a contingency basis. Our legal team at Barrera Law Group LLC does this. What does this mean? We don’t charge you for your initial consultation nor do we bill you to represent you unless we secure a settlement award in your case.

The way it works is that we carefully assess prospective clients’ cases for liability before we agree to take them on. Attorneys like ours don’t take on cases unless we have high confidence in winning a settlement.

Thus, rest assured that, if we take on your case, we’re going to invest all possible resources at our disposal to ensure the best possible outcome in your case in terms of a win and a maximum monetary award.

Determining What Your Injury Claim Is Worth

While this is something that prospective clients often ask us about, it’s not an easily answered question.

Remember that list of potential recoverable damages we listed above?

Well, those typically vary depending on the individual. After all, different injuries and treatment options carry distinct costs. We all get paid differently, and thus, our lost wages may not be the same. You likely get the point. We can give you a better idea of the value of your claim after learning more about how your accident occurred, the injuries you sustained, and the type of insurance coverage the other party has.

However, sometimes it’s necessary for you to be further along in receiving treatment and we need to better understand your long-term prognosis to give you a more accurate estimate.

What Is the Deadline for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Santa Fe, NM?

Generally, you must file your injury lawsuit within three years of getting hurt.

However, if you’re suing the government, for example, that timeline is shortened.

Just keep in mind that it’s never a good idea to wait until the eleventh hour to file a claim or lawsuit. Why? Let us provide you with three reasons, which are:

  • The further out it is from when an incident occurred, the more challenging it is to secure evidence.
  • There may be additional filing requirements that you may need to address much sooner than the 3-year mark.
  • Building a case can take time. If you want to put forth a strong one, it’s better to start early in building it so that if issues arise, there’s ample time to handle them so it doesn’t unnecessarily affect the outcome.

Let’s talk about what happened to you and what legal options New Mexico law affords you. Reach out to our law firm to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

We’ll put you in contact with a Santa Fe personal injury lawyer who can advise you of your rights.

Free Consultations

Call us or fill out the form below to tell us about your potential case, and a personal injury lawyer will get back to you as quickly as possible.
