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Roswell Oil Field Accident Attorney

Roswell Oil Field Accident Lawyer

Each year, workers get hurt on the job in every industry. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the over 82,000 severe injuries the Occupational Safety and Health Administration received in a 7-year span between 2015 and 2022, more than 2,100 involved workers in the oil and gas extraction (OGE) industry. Many of those workers reach out to a Roswell oilfield accident lawyer in our office seeking guidance after their injury accident.

Over the years, we’ve worked with injured oil field workers and seen firsthand how dangerous work in this industry can be. We know that many of the injuries of those employed in it are completely preventable. We don’t believe that those in a position to do so will take necessary precautions to make it safer until the financial burden of not doing so becomes significant. So, let us help you hold the party who decided to put greed ahead of safety accountable for their actions.

Your initial case review with an attorney from our law office, Barrera Law Group LLC, is free. We also don’t charge to represent you unless we secure a settlement for you. So, let’s talk about your injuries and how you can get the liable party to pay for them.

How Oil Field Accidents Occur in New Mexico

There are various ways in which oilfield accidents happen, with the following being the most common causes our attorneys see:

  • Ineffective or insufficient training and supervision
  • Violations of Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations
  • Limited performance of inspections
  • Failures to properly maintain equipment

Truck accidents and other types of motor vehicle crashes are also common at or near oil fields. These accidents, unfortunately, leave workers, outside vendors, and local residents hurt.

Who Is Responsible for the Harm Workers Suffer?

As you can likely tell from reading the list above, the responsibility for the harm workers and potentially others suffer can fall on a wide range of parties, including:

  • Colleagues and supervisors at the oil and gas extraction company
  • Third-party inspectors hired to ensure there aren’t inherent safety risks at the job site
  • Parts designers, manufacturers, and distributors who may fail to produce safe products or warn of potential dangers associated with their use
  • Motorists

Even security guards often hired to keep would-be saboteurs from venturing onto oilfield grounds could potentially be liable for injuries if their actions (or lack thereof) to thwart danger aren’t effective.

If you’re convinced that someone else’s actions are to blame for the harm you’ve suffered, but you’re unsure who is responsible, don’t fret. The Roswell oilfield accident lawyer you speak with during your initial consultation should be able to determine that by reviewing the evidence in your case.

In some cases, this investigation may reveal that more than one party’s actions contributed to your accident, necessitating you to file a lawsuit against both. Contact us so we can get started determining liability in your case today.

Oil Field Injuries That Are Most Common

In our years handling oil and gas workers’ injury cases, some of the most common injuries we’ve found that they’ve suffered include:

  • Electrical shock
  • Burns
  • Compression injuries resulting from caught-between incidents
  • Bone fractures
  • Spinal cord injuries, as well as torn ligaments and tendons caused by falls
  • Caught-in injuries necessitating amputation
  • Traumatic brain injuries caused by struck-by incidents

Steps to Take After an Oilfield Accident in Roswell, NM

If you’ve suffered harm due to a factor similar to the ones listed above and have suspected or confirmed injuries, you should:

  • Make sure you notify your supervisor and/or the property owner as soon as possible
  • File a written report with your employer, the property owner, and consider doing the same with the police
  • Seek immediate medical care for your injuries and continue treatment until released by your doctor
  • Gather all necessary evidence that points to why your injury incident occurred, including photographs and witness statements
  • Reach out to an attorney to discuss what happened

In terms of the latter, it’s not uncommon for big businesses like oil and gas companies to come in and try to settle quickly if they know that they are liable for what happened. They do this to keep their expenditures low and to hopefully avoid a bigger investigation into safety issues at their work site.

Having a Roswell oilfield accident lawyer involved from the start minimizes the chances of an oil and gas producer being able to strong-arm you into accepting a hush-hush lowball settlement in your case that doesn’t adequately compensate you for your current and future losses. Plus, getting legal counsel involved early on in your case reduces the chance of you making any missteps that may affect the settlement of your case since we take over communication with employers, insurers, and any other parties to your case for you.

We’re ready to discuss what happened to you that led to you getting hurt and the rights you’re afforded per New Mexico law. Call or fill out our online contact form now to have this conversation with an attorney in our office. It doesn’t cost you anything to learn about your rights.

Free Consultations

Call us or fill out the form below to tell us about your potential case, and a personal injury lawyer will get back to you as quickly as possible.
